fellows & alumni

px brings people together like a family. they help me with life and prepare me to help my community in the future.


hear from them


“PX has changed how I think and view people and the world.”


“Coming here, being able to talk to someone has had a huge impact. I’ve learned to express myself.”

hassan & mahdi

“I never expected PX would become this important for me. I am part of this family that is very close.”


“I learned who I am and how to communicate and share what’s
going on in my life.”


“PX is more than a job - it’s a
family to me.”


“PX supports me to reach my potential. Helps me. Pushes me.”

“PX gave me people in my corner that want to see me do great.”

cohort 8

“My confidence has changed.
Now I know what I want.”

cohort 9