it starts here, with us.
our mission
We turn the kitchen into an immersive classroom for young adults to explore their identities, learn transferable skills, and open doors to their future.
our vision
We believe in a future where every young adult defines and navigates their own success story with commitment, support, and shared knowledge from the community.
We’re forging a path of self-exploration and workforce development. Our values are consistent forces that tell our Fellows, “Keep going. You are here for a reason.”
core values
We value the sense of belonging that we build with a diverse, united team where everyone plays to their strengths. Everyone is essential, both here and outside of this program. Every person has something to contribute and to learn from others in return.
say no to
say yes to
common ground plus individual growth
“cog in a machine” thinking
We value being able to move forward and do hard things, even when we are uncertain or make mistakes. We communicate honestly and without judgment. We open up — especially when it’s challenging — so that the world can open up to us in return.
brave questions, open communication, making mistakes
say yes to
say no to
the comfort zone, pretense or defense
We value seeking opportunities to build and test our skills, discover ourselves and be proud of ourselves. We know that individual potential and power cannot be granted by others. We support every person’s ability to learn and grow, regardless of where they started or where they are going.
competence with confidence
“I could never do that”, perfection, separating the two
say yes to
say no to
trying new things, curiosity about ourselves, small wins